




ID @926grgqb

加好友 Line ID→@926grgqb
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RGB-1002色彩分析儀-量測讀值 : RGB值及 HSL值 使用光譜分析法 , 判定待測物之成分比'彩色分析:R紅色:0 ~ 1023,G綠色:0 ~ 1023,B藍色:0 ~ 1023'待測物品 :不發光體(如紡織品 ' 紙張 ' 皮革製品...等),發光體(如CRT ' 液晶螢幕 ' 發光二極體 ' 電燈...等)'RS-232 / USB 連接介面,由上偉科技專業銷售'工程安裝'維修服務,洽詢電話02-22267567(代表號)由專人服務

量測讀值 : RGB值及 HSL值
使用光譜分析法 , 判定待測物之成分比
R 紅色:0 ~ 1023
G 綠色:0 ~ 1023
B 藍色:0 ~ 1023
待測物品 :
不發光體(如紡織品 ' 紙張 ' 皮革製品...等)
發光體(如CRT ' 液晶螢幕 ' 發光二極體 ' 電燈...等)
RS-232 / USB 連接介面 (軟體選購)
Size:203 X 76 X 38mm


The RGB-1002 is a portable color analyzer equipped with an external sensor probe having a 45° /0° color measuring geometry. The modem, accurate microprocessor technology uses the spectral analysismethod to determine the color of the sample.
Excellent repeatability due to spectroscopic analysis technique used.
Friendly operation, just press the operation button will get the color value ( R, G, B or H, S, L ).
Relative function, can easy to compare the color value of the different two measurement material.
The RGB-1002 is designed mainly for measuring the color of no lighting sample such as textiles, paper, leathers, painting materials...... It is the useful tool for the quality control and the wide industrial application.
The color analyzer also can measure the reference lighting sample color value such as CRT, LCD monitor, LED lamp, lighting lamp.....
For no lighting sample color measurement, a defined light source illuminates the sample and the reflected surface light is spectrometrically analyzed.
For lighting sample color measurement, the light source of sample is spectrometrically analyzed directly.
RS232 computer interface, can store the measuring color value in the computer for recording and the further color analysis.
Build in CAL ( Calibration ) button, for no lighting sample measurement, use the included white color calibration card to make the self calibration easily.
Hand held housing case, easy to carryout.
Power supply by 006P DC 9V battery or DC 9V adapter.


To check the color value of textiles, paper, leathers, painting materials.
The objective quality control of color during production.
The color measurement and recording of products supplied by supplier to check for conformity specification.
The comparison of color samples against color standard.
The interpretation and statistic evaluation of color sample measurement.
To check the reference color value of CRT monitor, LCD monitor, light lamp.


顯示 (Display)

LCD size : 59 mm x 34 mm.

測量幾何學 (Measurement geometry)

45° /0° - circular illumination at 45° , measurement at 0° .

頻譜範圍 (Spectral range)

400 nm to 700 nm.

光源 (Light source)

Two white LED lamp.

測量原理 (Measuring principle)

For no lighting sample color measurement such as textiles, paper, leathers, painting materials......, a defined light source illuminates the sample and the reflected surface light is spectrometrically analyzed.
* For lighting sample color measurement, the light source of sample is spectrometrically analyzed directly.

色彩感應器 (Color sensors)

3 color photo transistors :
Red photo transistor
Green photo transistor
Blue photo transistor

校正 (Calibration)

Self calibration.
* The calibration white calibration card is included.

測量 (Measurement)

RGB value

R ( Red ) value : 0 to 1023.
G ( Green ) value : 0 to 1023.
B ( Blue ) value : 0 to 1023.

HSL value

Hue value : 0 to 1.000.
Saturation value : 0 to 1.000.
Luminance value : 0 to 1.000.

重合性 (Repeatability)

R (Red) value : < 3
G (Green) value : < 3
B (Blue) value : < 3
Hue value : < 0.01
Saturation value : < 0.01
Luminance value : < 0.01
* Repeatability is specified under the same sample tested 10 times within two minutes.
* Accuracy is specified under after the instrument is calibrated.

測量樣品物質類型 (Measurement sample material type)

Type 1 : No lighting sample material : Such as textiles, paper, leathers...
Type 2 : Lighting sample material : Such as CRT, LCD monitor, LED lamp, lighting lamp.....
* The RGB-1002 is designed mainly for measuring the color value of type 1 ( no lighting sample ). For the type 2 ( lighting sample ) color measurement just for the reference only.

按鍵 (Buttons)

OP button ( Operation button )
CAL button ( Calibration button )
REL button ( Relative button )
RGB/HSL button (Select RGB or HSL value )
Light ON/OFF button
* No lighting sample measurement, select the sensor light to on.
* Lighting sample measurement, select the sensor light to off.

關機 (Power off)

Auto shut off saves battery life or manual off by push button.
Power will off automatically after 3 min., if no buttons be pressed.

低電 (Low battery)

Low battery indicator.

電腦介面 (Computer interface)

RS 232 PC serial interface.

操作溫度 (Operating Temp. )

0 ℃ to 50 ℃ ( 32 ℉ to 122 ℉ ).

操作溼度 (Operating Humidity)

Less than 85% R.H.

電源供應 (Power Supply)

DC 9V battery, Alkaline type 006P, MN1604(PP3) or equivalent.
DC 9V adapter input.
* AC/DC power adapter is optional.

電源電流 (Power Current)

Standby : Approx. DC 6.3 mA.
Measurement : Approx. DC 32 mA.

重量 (Weight)

478 g/ 1.05 LB. * Main instrument and the sensor probe

體積 (Dimension)

Main instrument : 203 x 76 x 38 mm
Sensor probe : 160x92x45 mm

附件 (Standard Accessory)

Instruction manual.................. 1 PC
Sensor probe ( RGB-1002P ).......... 1 PC
White color calibration card........ 1 PC.
Carrying case, CA-06................ 1 PC.

選購附件 (Optional & accessories Temp. Probe)

AC to DC 9V adapter.
USB cable, USB-01.
RS232 cable, UPCB-02.
Data Acquisition software, SW-U811-WIN.


RGB-1002 色彩分析儀-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw


RGB-1002 色彩分析儀-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw


RGB-1002 色彩分析儀-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw


RGB-1002 色彩分析儀-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw


RGB-1002 色彩分析儀-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw


RGB-1002 色彩分析儀-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw


RGB-1002 色彩分析儀-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw




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